Free Canadian Cash Flow Real Estate Buying Workshop
 November 9 & 10. 4 Workshops To Choose. 
2pm Or 7pm in London, ON
Or 2pm Or 7pm in Kitchener, ON

Dear Friend, 

What didn’t you lose?

Or, more important, what did I find for you?

I found a little bit of wealth for you.  YES, you read me correctly.  

I found actually quite a bit of wealth for you.


But, I’m getting a little ahead of myself ...

Usually I TEACH you how to get wealth.  This time I’ve decided to just GIVE wealth to you.  YES, just give it to you.

Now, I’m sure you're interested.  So, here’s the facts:

FACT 1 ... I typically teach you wealth.

FACT 2 ... I invest so wisely that I get richer and richer.

FACT 3 ... You’re not there when I make my investment so you cannot invest like me.

I like FACT 1 because I like teaching and you like learning from me.

I like FACT 2 because I get wealthy. But you don’t.  So, it’s not nice.  I want to bring you with me.  And, I found a way.

I do not like FACT 3 because I just get richer and richer through my wise investments, but you don’t.  That’s just not nice at all.  It’s terrible.

So, I've fixed it.  I’m inviting you to make possibly the wisest investment decision of your life – right with me.  Be my neighbor.  Make money the way Raymond does !!!

Step 1 ... Deal Flow

I’m so famous that I have great “Deal Flow”.  Deal Flow is defined as the number of amazing investment opportunities that you see first before the general public each week.  For almost every Canadian, your Deal Flow is zero.  You cannot get rich if your Deal Flow is zero.  Most Canadians just buy whatever some agent or salesman sells them – the very same stuff that is available to the General Public.

Step 2 ... Due Diligence

Diligently study every offer to throw away the great ones and investigate further only the really, really, really great ones.  You could actually get rich buying what I throw away.  But, wouldn’t you like to buy the greatest of the great?  Wouldn’t you like to be able to skip all the steps and just buy what I buy?

Step 3 ... Personal Meetings

Actually personally meet with the principals involved.  Yes, meet (and I mean more than once) with the senior people involved, like the actual builder of the property.

Step 4 ... Check Credentials

Actually check references and personally talk with those who know the principals involved to further ensure that this is an amazing deal.

Step 5 ... Structure the Best Offering Possible

Work with the seller to get the best deal possible for my portfolio.

Those are my Five Crucial Steps.  Most people skip all five steps and just hope for the best.  

That’s not the way the world’s most successful investors invest. 

OK, here’s the punch line...

Who Is
Raymond Aaron?

Raymond Aaron is today’s top authority on real estate investing. You’ll get insight into everything from successful investing to business building and branding expertise from Toronto legend Raymond Aaron, New York Times bestselling author, President and CEO of the Raymond Aaron Group, Canada’s #1 Wealth and Success Education organization. 
What Others Are Saying...

Jack Canfield, Co-creator of "Chicken Soup for the Soul

“He has literally helped me double my income while doing what I love, when I say double, it's like double, and then double again and then double again, and then double again...” -Jack Canfield, Co-creator of "Chicken Soup for the Soul"

Bill Chandler

"I am increasing in wealth by decreasing my debts and increasing my net worth. I have charted many of my money goals and I am seeing great results in these areas." 

Fred Johnson, Acclaimed Jazz Musician and Performer

"...Raymond could take the best I had to offer the world and give me a model to touch the world to a greater degree and live more abundantly. Make more money and be happier at what I do..."


I did all five steps for you.  Actually I did them for me but then decided that I’d share this one with you.  I already placed an offer to buy these properties – lots of them –and then retracted my offer in order to let you come in right beside me, actually in front of me.

When you see how brilliant this offer is, you’ll want to step in front of me in line and grab them instead of letting me have them.  OK, this one time, I’ll let you do it !!

There’s only 20 properties available.  And, I will not allow you to buy more than 4 each.  So, it’s really tight.  I’m hosting four REAL ESTATE STORES, but I know that they’ll all be sold out way before the 4th offering.  So, if you can choose which one to attend, then attend the earliest one to ensure that there’ll be at least one property for you. 

The first one to step up and grab one (or four) gets one (or four).  I suspect hundreds to show up at each Real Estate Store, and there’s only 20 properties available.

These properties are possibly the very best I’ve ever seen in my 44 years of buying real estate across Canada.  And, that is why I'm stepping aside.  I sure wouldn’t want to offer you anything less than the best I’ve ever seen.

Can You Imagine.... 
  • positive cashflow from the first day
  • low downpayment
  • practically zero vacancy
  • practically zero unemployment
  • strong in-migration to the area
  • very strong job market
  • strong stable local government
  • very high economic growth
  • extremely bright future prospects
  • ... and so much more!
Well, don't just IMAGINE it! 
Come to the earliest possible 
Real Estate Store event and find out!

I can't wait to see you there!


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